Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My first blog

Wait?  ANOTHER Blogger out here spewing forth his opinion on things he should most likely be keeping to himself?  Yes!  Why, you ask?

Well, the answer is pretty simple.  Like everyone else, I have an opinion.  Over the last several months I've noticed that most people aren't afraid to share their opinions with everyone they know on Facebook or Twitter and I've always resisted the urge to stick my neck out there because I know that my opinion goes against that of so many of my friends and the listeners of my Doctor Who podcast, Hoo On Who.  But if I have to sit there and read about how wrong my feelings are and how stupid and backwards I am for thinking/feeling the way I do, shouldn't I be allowed a fair and proper defense for my stances?

I don't expect to sway anyone else from their beliefs, but it seems to me that we've gotten to a point in this world where you either agree with the masses or you're an idiot.  That's the general feeling I get, and I love all my friends.  If I didn't, they wouldn't be friends!  I don't want them to fall into lock step with me on everything I think or believe, I want them to challenge my beliefs and the way I look at the world.  I do, however, want the name calling and the finger pointing that seems to be so popular to stop and there to be some mutual respect for those of us with the unpopular viewpoints.

Thus, the birth of this blog.  I'll be spouting off more soon on politics, religion, social beliefs, gun control, parenting, pet ownership and anything else that lights my fire.

I hope you will read and consider.  Challenge me where you feel I need it, but more importantly, respect that my viewpoint is mine and I've come to it in much the same way you have come to yours.

Take care,
