Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Isn't it time to stop being so petty?!?

I felt the urge to resurrect this blog because what I wanted to say may be more than a single Facebook post can handle. Here we are approaching the middle of 2015 and the candidates for the next Presidential election are lining up to win our votes.

Before I proceed with my main point, I want to emphasize that who you vote for is your own business and I'm not here to sway your political beliefs. I'm here to question your motives and the motives of everyone (including me!).

In 2008 when Barack Obama ran for President it was pretty clear to me that he and I didn't agree on much of anything pertaining to what was best for this country. I decided that I wasn't voting for him based on this fact alone.  My mother (a staunch Democrat) was enthralled with the idea of a black man being President so she put an Obama sign in her front yard and proudly voted for him...TWICE!

Again, I'm not arguing politics here, but during his second run to the White House, one of my relatives on Facebook proudly posted that they voted for Obama because the weren't racist! Even Morgan Freeman, a great actor and someone I learned to read from (Electric Company folks!) said publicly if you don't vote for Obama you are a racist!  Now, I was raised to not pay attention to something as insignificant as the color of someone's skin and I took offense to this simplification of my own political beliefs. In fact, I found it ironic because if someone voted for Mr. Obama based solely on the color of his skin then THEY were being racist, not me!

I bring this up now because Hillary Clinton has declared her intent to run for the Presidency. (Shocking, I know!) I'm predicting that many will vote for her and support her because "It's time for a woman to be President". I will not vote for her for the same reason I wouldn't vote for Mr. Obama, our differences of opinion on what is best for the USA.

My question to you is this...isn't voting for Hillary because she's a woman doing a disservice to equal rights?  The whole point is to put the best PERSON in the office.  Now, if you truly think she is the best person, the most qualified, and you agree with her platform, then by all means you should vote for her! That's how this country works!

But isn't it time for all of us to stop being so petty? Isn't it time to look past gender and past skin color and treat each other as equal human beings? Many of you know I'm a big fan of the television show, Doctor Who.  It came under scrutiny for not employing any female writers until very recently. Isn't the important thing to employ GOOD writers and ignore the insignificant things like race and/or gender?

In our attempt to "right the ship" and treat everyone equal and be inclusive we're over correcting. We need to put a stop to this triviality and judge a person for what's on the inside!

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